BUMPstyle Box Review
FIRST OF ALL. In case you haven't heard-- we are having a boy!!! After three girls I think we were starting to believe we were destined to be a #girlfam. Which would have been TOTS WONDERFUL. Joel is an amazing dad to ladies and OBVIOUSLY I'm an amazing girl mom. (That's a joke. OR IS IT?!!?) BUT hearing the news of a boy has brought a whole new level of excitement!! And I'm totally taking advantage of Joel being on Cloud 900000 because I'm like I NEED NEW MATERNITY CLOTHES. And he's like BUY ALL OF THE CLOTHES!!! And I'm like YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!! Enter: BUMPstyle Box.
BUMPstyle is a maternity and nursing clothing subscription box for expecting moms. Hand selected maternity clothes sent directly to your door. I had tried BUMPstyle Box when I was expecting Felicity and I thought it was OK. But that was over 6 years ago...I was curious to see what the clothes would be like this time around. Plus, maternity clothes stretch (ha. ha.) and get worn over time, so it was just time for some new digs. Here's how it works...
Step 1. Fill out your Style Profile. This part was very fun and easy! They show you a bunch of clothing "looks" like the ones below, and you rank how you feel about them. There are a ton of options ranging from Glam to Boho and everything in between.
Then they'll ask you where you shop (you check the box of the stores), what colors you like, what prints you like, how you like your clothes to fit etc. Again, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT SLASH THINKING ABOUT MYSELF so this was entertaining. Also it actually made me take the time and evaluate my style.
Step 2. They'll ask you your measurements. LEZBHONEST I'm way too lazy to take my measurements so I skipped this part. I just told them what size I am pre-pregnancy, etc.
Step 3. About You. They ask you to share anything else about you and your clothing style. How many other kids you have, what's your price range, how you like to wear maternity clothes (fitted or loose), etc.
Next I chose the date I wanted the box to be shipped on. (Something to note: if you're getting a BSB for a specific occasion make sure to order ahead. I think the curating time is like at least a week or 10 days.) I paid a $30 styling fee (which is waved if you spend over $150), and I hoped for the best.
AND BOY OH BOY (get it?!) DID I LUCK OUT??? Everything was amazing!!!!
Actual photo of me opening my BUMPstyle Box
I opened the package to find a personalized envelope with a complete packing list, and a note from my stylist Kristy. (The cool thing about BSB is the personal touches. And the fact an actual human is taking the time to curate the clothes for you.)
The first thing I pulled out of the box was this beautiful top...
BCBG Sunflower Blouse
I'm obsessed. Also don't hate me for not being a cool blogger and like laying my clothes out nicely on the floor for a picture worthy shot. I don't have time for that, and we all know if I laid my clothes down on the floor I myself would just stay on the floor and go into a blackhole of Instastalking.
Anyway as soon as I saw this top I knew I was going to keep it. IT IS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY. It's soft and flattering and amazing! It retails for $79.
Olian top with tie
I loved this when I took it out of the box. Kristy definitely understood that I like SOLIDS ONLY and I do love black. LOVE LOVE black. Sadly the shirt was a little tight for my liking. But A for Effort. (I forget the price!)
Jules and Jim Long Cardigan
I took this cardigan out of the box and put it on my bod immediately. It's perfect for me because it covers my butt (viva la leggings!) but has a cute linen back. Pics don't do it justice. I wore it the next day and was telling my friends about it and one of them was like, "Wait it's so you! It was meant for you!" It retails for $68.
The jeans didn't work for me, and I think it was because of a user error on my part. There is a portion of the Style Profile where they ask you if you prefer pants with a band or without. I THINK I forgot to click that, so both of these jeans have no belly band that goes up your stomach. I don't like that. I like to feel safe and warm with a big belly band attached to my pants! Warm like a warm hug. I sent both pairs back one retailed for $118 and one for $198.
While it's not a piece of clothing it's certainly something I would love-- jewelry! Does Kristy know that I like to call myself Charming Charlie? I mean I have made it my life's work to wear costume jewelry ALL THE TIME. Suede, check. Tassel, check. Necklace, check. I'M THERE! $28.
I didn't get a chance to take a pic of my tank because it's actually in the wash right now because I wore it THAT MANY TIMES already! This is one of those not-sexy-yet-required-by-law-to-own, pieces. It's not a maternity top so I recommend it to all women. Perfect length and stretch. Tees by Tina it retails for $38 and can be found HERE.
OK so once you get your box you have (I THINKKKK) 3 business days to decide what you're going to keep and what you'll send back. They provide a PREPAID bag for you to just pop your unwanted items back in the mail. Stick it in the mailbox and you're done!
So price wise you can see the stuff isn't SUPER INEXPENSIVE. But what good, quality stuff is? And bear in mind, you can pick your ideal price point. Personally, maternity jeans for $198 is steep for me. But I WOULD pay $118 if I loved them and knew I would wear them constantly. Each person is different. That's something you can choose in your Style Profile and also something to tell your stylist. (She emailed me after I ordered introducing herself and asking if there was anything else I wanted her to know about me!)
And I know I'll be wearing that cardigan and smoother tank all the time! The BCBG shirt is great because you can dress it up or down, but it's still nice and light for summer! So in the end I kept 4 items that totaled $213. But because I spent over $150 they took $30 off making my total: $183.
Overall I am SO HAPPY I made the decision to try BUMPstyle Box again. I am fairly choosy about what I like, and I can't stress enough how EVERYTHING in my box was something I would have chosen myself. And because I'm busy (that Sons of Anarchy marathon isn't going to watch itself!) it's an easy way to take care of business without leaving my house. Finally, the personalized touches and the fact you're working with a real life human is want sends BUMPstyle Box over the edge!
I can't wait to get another box! (I'm going on a cruise in July so I'll be asking for all beach wear and dresses!----> Yes, you can do that where you ask for just dresses, just pants, etc!)
p.s. I'm not sponsored or affiliated! I'm just a fan!
Check back tomorrow for another installment in the HouseLovely series!! You won't wanna miss this house, friends!