Take 5 Friday
Take 5 and hear about the 5 things I'm loving this week!
1. These Nike Juvenate Casual Shoes. Remember that time when I said wearing sneakers around town was a terrible idea? Yeah well, the only terrible idea was my terrible idea of saying that. Wearing sneakers around town is a BRILLIANT IDEA. Over the last few years I've crossed over to including sneaks in my "mom uniform." YES EVEN WITH MY JEANS. LOCK ME UP FOR MY FASHION SINS. I legit do not care. I've acquired some awesome sneakers including ones with Swarovski crystals on them. (THROW AWAY THE KEY!). (Editor's Note: I butchered the spelling of Swarovski and spell check wanted to change it to Swanky. HOW POETICALLY ACCURATE, SPELLCHECK.) I just introduced these sneakers into my collection and I'm telling you right now IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES AND THE U.S. TERRITORY OF PUERTO RICO TO BE THIS COMFORTABLE. More comfortable than Uggs. More comfortable than slippers. More comfortable THAN YOUR OWN BARE FEET. And most of the pairs are on sale. Huzzah!! If you don't wear sneakers often, consider coming over to the dark side. It's comfortable AF over here.
2. SLMissGlam angled eye brush. I got this particular brush in one of my ipsy glam bags. (P.S. If you've never heard of ipsy or you want to read my review of it, click HERE) I fell in love with this brush right away. It's sooo helpful having an angled brush for your accent eye shadow. Accent shadows are usually the darkest of the three types of shadows (highlight, midtone, accent). The accent shadow goes on the outer corner of the eye in a sideways-V shape. The way this brush is angled allows for the perfect (and easy!) application. The particular brush I got is sold out now, but I linked another good one from Sephora. The key to success with the angled eye brush is making sure the bristles are packed and firm! Editor's Note: As you see there are no jokes in this post as I am V serious about eye shadow application.
3. Simply Lite Dark Chocolate with Almonds. I learned about this chocolate a few years ago at one of my Favorite Things parties. My friend Claire brought it and sold the group on how delicious it was! I was, of course, pretty skeptical because I like my chocolate FULL OF SUGAR. But this chocolate is THE TRUTH. It can be found online or at Trader Joe's by the check out. (Bless up TJs) Pair it with a glass of red wine and YOU WILL BE LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. P.S. Keep the faith about the almonds though. I find it's part of the SUCCESS of this chocolate.
Actual photo of me hearing about Simply Lite
4. Celebrate Everything: Fun Ideas to Bring Your Parties To life I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS BOOK. It's written by Darcy Miller whose the Founding Editor of Martha Stewart Weddings. LEZBHONEST, if it's good enough for Martha, it's good enough for me. I love entertaining so books like this are my heaven. However, even if you don't love having guests, I would still consider getting it. Step 1- it's a great coffee table book. Step 2- it has awesome ideas! But Step 3- it's so aesthetically pleasing!! The pictures are beautiful and fun and RELAXING. It's one of those things you look through for an instant "pick me up". I love flipping through it because it puts my brain in neutral and makes me happy!
5. Mary Kay Foundation Primer with SPF 15 If you're looking for a primer that FEELS LIKE SILK, this is the primer for you! I have never deviated from the primer because I highly doubt there is anything on the market that's better. It GLIDES onto your face and fills in any imperfections so when you go to put your foundation you'll be looking like KIM KARDASH. It holds your foundation on for 8 hrs (both powder and liquid!) and dries to a matte finish. Plus it's got the added benefit of SPF 15 which is nice. My good friend Kathy is a Sales Director with Mary Kay so the link goes to her website. Go buy it and we can sit around staring at each other's amazing ass faces. MK FOUNDATION PRIMER FOR PRESIDENT!!!!
These are the Take 5 Things I'm loving this week! Are you loving anything I'm loving? Do you love how many times I can love saying love in a sentence?
My Big Announcement is (still) coming soon!!
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