Holiday Recap
Hello friends! I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing, holiday! I took some days off from blogging to be with the fambam. Quite honestly, I felt so busy that I wasn't sure how to make time to write. But it's 2017 and HERE I AM. READY TO BORE YOU AGAIN!
I thought recapping what we were up to for the holidays, is a great place to start. I know you've been laying awake at night thinking about what I've been up to.
The week before Christmas was a blur of fun activities! Felicity had her first Christmas pageant at school. She was an angel (naturally) and she basically crushed the role. Of course I got no pics because I'm a failure. But take it from me-- 'twas cute.
On Wednesday my mom, sis and I had our annual Mother Daughter dinner at Clyde's. It's always so fun. Many laughs, many wines. I ordered pasta with duck bacon so that makes me exotic AF.
Cape game = Strong to Quite Strong. Also my mom would like you to know she has her arm folded under there. She was NOT smuggling duck bacon out of the restaurant.
Friends came over on Thursday and brought this:
Just when I thought life couldn't get any better...people invent HATS AND JACKETS FOR WINE BOTTLES. I mean it's about time this amazing libation got clothes. THAT WINE DESERVES THAT HAT.
1. Hats and jackets for wine. 2. Putting a man on the moon. It goes in that order.
Christmas Eve was crazy and fun. We spent it at Joel's parents house with the whole gang! Always great memories made there.
There's no better time to tell ghost stories, than Christmas Eve. Poor Uncle Toby. No matter the occasion he's stuck telling ghost stories to captivated tiny ladies.
If you would like to see Joel behaving like an ovezealous preschool teacher, please watch the video below. You won't be dissapointed.
Christmas Day was so fun! I had the stroke of genius idea to have us go to 8 am mass. When I thought of it I literally was like, "This must have been what Albert Einstein felt like all the time." Just blowing your own mind, for breakfast. Because the kids are so cracked out and get up early on Christmas, I thought we should just go to mass first THEN come home and do gifts. It was a game changer. Mass was calm and quiet and beautiful. A lovely way to celebrate the birth of 8 pound 5 ounce Baby Jesus!
No I did NOT dress Margaux like a little gentlemen on Christmas. Her sweater had a bow on *the sideeeee* of her collar and it shifted in flight, when this picture was taken. She also looks a little confused. Poppy always bringing a strong Prom Pose to the table. And Felicity? Well LEZBHONEST, Felicity is KILLING the picture on the stair, game. She looks amazing.
My family came over in the afternoon at it was glorious. Glorious for me because they bring all the food. I just provide the location. I am TRES annoyed with myself that I didn't take a picture of my Christmas tablescape. I did take one video of the scene:
I had a lot of fake snow on the table, naturally. And candles. And little twinkle lights in the snow. It was a sight to behold. Oh well-- there's always next year!
On an up note, I made this amazing punch. I call it Christmas Punch. Creative, I know. It's V V GOOD! Please make it for yourself.
It's champagne, ginger ale and frozen strawberries. I bought cans of ginger ale and put about 1.5-2 cans in per bottle of champagne. It's SO easy and SO delicious.
The day after Christmas we laid low and packed for our winter beach trip. Low key and relaxing. I've had many people ask so I wanted you to know that YES...
I am still obsessed with taking pictures of Joel sleeping. It's one of life's greatest pleasures. If you missed the post with my montage of pics. You can find it HERE.
Tuesday afternoon we headed down to Virginia Beach. Car rides are like a religious experience now, thanks to the van. I am obsessed. I spent the next few days in the blur face masks, relaxation and LulaRoe leggings. It was awesome. The whole family was all together!
Us. Laura & Mark. My Parents. My brother Matt, his wife Michelle. My niece and nephew Katie & Patrick.
After our trip we were a little smoked, so we decided to stay home on New Years Eve. I told Joel it may have been one of the best NYE to date. We had a little fondue party, to start. I made the table nice and festive and the girls were so excited!
They were so excited, that is, until they learned what fondue is. See, what you need to know before I go any further is that my kids have CI (cheese issues.) No, they aren't allergic. They are just SO PICKY AS TO HOW THE CHEESE IS PRESENTED TO THEM. They spit upon the idea of a cheese stick. But they accept quesadillas as their lord and savior. They don't do grilled cheese. Nor do they adhere to the concept of cheese and crackers. UNLESS it's when we have guests over. In which case they will take giant globs of cheese on a tiny cracker, take one bite and put it back on the plate. For all to see. They will literally STUFF THEIR FACES with shredded cheese on Taco Tuesday. But for some reason they couldn't handle that same shredded cheese melted, for fondue. They acted like I was marching them to their death. LEGIT. They were going to die on the last night of 2016. Death by Fondue. CI are a real thing in the Sellier house.
All that being said, it was still fun. Because it meant Joel and I could bathe in the fondue because we had so much! And it's always nice to have a family meal and family time!
After dinner we rolled ourselves over to the couch for the final installment of Friday Night Lights. If you've talked to me for 4 seconds or seen my snapchat you know Joel and I have been working through FNL. We started at the bottom and now we were finally there.
Please note where I put the caption of that pic. Directly OVER my man hand. It took me 480 tries to get a picture that didn't make my hand look like The Incredible Hulk hand. (I'm alllll yoursssss Joelllllll). There is no better way to close out the new year than hanging with Coach Taylor. And Tammy Taylor. But not Julie Taylor because she is The Worst.
Friday Night Lights brought such joy to our life over the last few months. It's just so good and so not complicated and so different from anything else that's on TV. #treatyoself in 2017 and head to Netflix and watch IT ALL.
After closing out 2016 the best way ever. I started 2017 in an equally fabulous way. Taking late night FNL quizzes. I'm pleased to report...
Thank goodness. I wasn't going to be able to continue in 2017 if I was anyone BUT Tami. They probably tell everyone they are Tami Taylor because she is THE BEST and the only one you want to be. Besides Tim Riggins'....GIRLFRIEND. ZINGalingadingdong!!
These holiday weeks went by quickly! They were fun and full of activity. However, I'm looking forward to everyone being back in school and getting back into the routine. But LEZBHONEST I'm mostly looking forward to The Bachelor which starts Monday night. I CANNOT WAIT to see what Tricky Nicky has to offer this season.
I'll be back later this week with the Bach recap!!