Take 5 Friday
Take 5 and hear about the 5 things I'm loving this week!
1. This felt Christmas tree from CreativityCustomized on Etsy. It's so so so cute! I was clicking around Etsy for gifts and came across it. It's perfect for kids to decorate! This shop has a ton of cute felt holiday options. Snowmen, nativity scenes, etc. This particular tree was $32. The set included the tree, presents and 20 ornaments and string. If you want a cute gift for kids, scoop it up! They shipped super fast! Poppy is the biggest fan of playing with the tree and she's almost 4, going on....almost 4. P.S. Did you know the fun fact that felt sticks to felt? I did not.
Interesting placement of the presents, girls.
2. Morphe eye shadows. I learned about these shadows from youtube sensation and makeup artist, Jaclyn Hill. I toyed around with getting them for awhile because frankly I couldn't believe they would be good at such a reasonable price point. (Two giant compacts of shadows are around $44!) I'm pretty pumped I did though! I bought the 350Matte & 350Shimmer Nature Glow Bundle. I think these colors work great for a lot of eye colors, particularly blue. The pigment is better on some colors more than others, but that's to be expected. The shimmer shadows "fall" easier then the matte too so be prepared with some concealer to clean that up! My other "con" is that the palettes are huge so they're sort of awkward to open. But overall I'm super happy I got both palettes. The colors are great. However if I had it my way I would wear shimmer shadow 24/7. One of my life's greatest achievements would be to look like a hologram. But I forced myself to get the matte shadows to ground me. In truth they make shimmer shadows POP more and therefore I am a happy girl.
3. My friend Maureen's backyard. I was actually over there a few weeks ago. But I've been dreaming of her backyard ever since so I'm loving it this week and all the weeks. The amazing fireplace, coupled with a glass of wine, kids running around and lots of laughs makes it heaven on earth! I hope she's reading this so she invites me back.....right now.
4. Lavender Shower Tablets. WHY have you people been holding out on me??? DID YOU KNOW ABOUT SHOWER TABLETS??? I acquired them a few weeks ago and I've been OBSESSED ever since! It brings the smell of a bath right to your shower! Allow me to explain-- shower tabs are half dollar size tabs you throw on the floor of your shower when the water is running. They dissolve and give off amazing smells!!! All the perks of a bath without having to take a bath. I hateeee baths. And yes, hate is a strong word. And yes it's the word I am choosing to use. For some reason I just think baths are boring. They're so much work. Sorry if you love baths, but baths are basically against my religion. (Drink every time I say "baths.") ANYWAY these tabs made my whole bedroom smell like lavender. I highly suggest you make it lovely for yourself and GIT U SUM.
That's the hand shadow of a relaxed person, right there.
5. My new Kate Spade Travel Wallet. Recently my Marshall's wallet broke (gone but not forgotten) so I went on the hunt to replace it. I was clicking around and then BING my beautiful friend Jess popped into my head. I had remembered a few years ago seeing her bust this AMAZINGLY HUGE wallet out of her purse and I was like what the FRENCH is THAT?! Behold, The Travel Wallet. Gigantic for all my belongings but also for my man hands. Many many slot holders for cards and QUEPONS. A spot for a pen. I mean is this not a dream?! There are big slots behind the card slots for your moolah. And as you can see I've got my Chickfila calendar card right where I can see it. I got this wallet during a flash sale on the sale stuff. I suggest holding out for one of those again if you're interested. It made this wallet around $60!
Yes I was able to smile during my license photo because I'm a boss.
These are my Take 5 things I love this week! What are you loving? Do you love something I should love? How many times can I say love? Leave a comment and tell me!
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