Get A Datebox
If you follow me on Snapchat (charchar43211) You may have seen this weekend that Joel and I finally did our first Datebox. I had a few people snap me and ask me the details of the box so I decided to make it my first Wednesday Review item. Editor's Note: I am not the most legit reviewer in the world. Because I am lazy, you see. But I'll try.
Datebox is a monthly subscription box that sends you a complete "at home" date for you and your boo. The prices range from $35-$28 a month depending on your plan.
I happened upon Datebox is a sort of roundabout way. A couple came up to us after one of the marriage talks we gave (Conflict Resolution! HA!) and asked us if we ever do a Date Night at home because we have small children. I'm like, "Ummmm does drinking my wines and taking pictures of Joel and Renard sleeping on the couch count becauseeeeeee.....
The Sandman cometh for these two men
I have that shiz on lockdown. (Sidebar: Can we give Joel some snaps for his form, though? He's holding that wine glass like a freaking sommelier. I love it. And Renard crossing his legs?? You'd never know he is a straight up serial killer of mice because he looks so classy.) But my camera roll can only hold so many pics so I started researching "at home" date ideas. Enter: Datebox.
Step One: Let's ignore the fact we've had this box (and a few others) for like.......awhile. Let us rejoice and be glad that we finally decided to do one. Because it was great!
I took this picture after we had already made the candles! Sorry!
Directions on how to DO the date.
Each box has a specific theme and this one was Adventure. All the boxes include directions on what to do, a 20 page booklet with reflections on marriage/relationships, as well as Conversation Starters-- things to consider talking about while on the date. Each date takes about 2 hours.
I won't go through each element of the box because I'm sure you could Google it and find people giving it Big Kid reviews of this stuff, but I'll share roughly what was in there:
- A campfire s'mores kit
- Bars of wax, wicks and two tins to make candles
- "campfire" scented oil to pour into the candles
- A deck of cards
- Directions for 3 different card games
- A bag of Tortilla Soup mix to make and eat during your "camp out"
- Two mugs for the soup
- A Redbox code for a free Redbox (which you would have thought was a freaking $100 bill the way Joel was acting. He's never met a Redbox code he didn't like.) Editor's Note: Lest we forget Redbox rentals are only $1 (ONE) dollar!! Editor's Note on the Editor's Note: Joel would like me to point out Redbox rentals are "closer to $1.50-$2.00."................
The marketing and packaging is great. The materials in the box feel/look expensive! And the concept is very sweet. When you're semi-lazy like us it's nice to have something delivered to you that's mindless, (because it took no effort to plan. All I did was walk to my mailbox), but also unique. And let's face it-- making candles in my home is about as adventurous as I'll ever get. #canigetanamen??
Joel may moonlight as a candlemaker after this.
One of my favorite parts about getting a Datebox is having the date come to me. I love, loveeeee being at home. Like hermit status is #goals, kind of love. I know, however, not everyone is like this. But sometimes I think we feel pressure (particularly if you have kids) to GO BIG when you have the free time. Like you HAVE to go out. Or at least I do. This is cheaper than many OUT ON THE TOWN dates. And one on one time! I think, Datebox has the potential to help you love your spouse more, but also to love where you LIVE more. (No pressure Datebox). Because now you're experiencing something new that you haven't done before, right at home. (Unless you've made candles at your house before in which case, props...And call Joel because he probably wants to marry you.)
Very little is more important than your relationship with your spouse, and Datebox is a great way to cultivate that. It has an old school romantic quality about it. I heard a quote once that said, "Remember that children, marriages and flower gardens reflect the kind of respect they get." -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr. (preachhhhhh.)
You know I be lovinggggg happy relationships, so I'm all about this. And I'm looking forward to opening up some of the other boxes we have. We have a sushi making date, a cake-pop making date (complete with a dance dvd!), and a pottery painting date ready to roll!
Give Datebox a try and let me know what you think!
p.s. I Googled around and I *think* THIS website has a code for a free box!
p.p.s. No I'm not sponsored but Datebox, but I'm totally willing to be!