Highs & Lows: Thanksgiving Week Edition
HIGH: I had my family over on Tuesday night for a semi-impromptu dinner since we weren't going to be together to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had a blast and we celebrated being together by "eating in the dining room." Normally I force my family into my kitchen and make us all squeeze around the table. But because this was a Special Event I set up the dining room table for a lovely dinner brought to you by Costco. Yes, rest assured that even if I create a nice tablescape, I'm hardly ever TOTALLY COOKING the meal. So many places have delish and EASY pre-made meals, for your delight. I truly pose the question: why cook it when you can buy it? Am I lazy? The answer is yes. But pre-made gets the job done. It tastes great (we had stuffed peppers (exotic!)), you get the credit and you get to hang with your guests. Unless you LOVE cooking, in which case POWER TO THE PEOPLE, INVITE ME OVER.
Candlelight dinner over some delicious Costco food= Great Success.
LOW: Prior to dinner on Tuesday night I hit up Trader Joe's with Poppy and Margaux to get a few things. We were in the store for about 14 seconds when Poppy yelled, and I do mean YELLED... *looking around* "OHHHH! We better watch out for Hillary Clinton!!!!" What the actual F?? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN. (Step 1- Puppy surprise, now you know my political persuasion. But let's be real-- you probably already knew it). Step 2- this is the worst place in all of The World to yell something like that. Like this might as well be Big Hill's second home. Trader Joe's? LEZBEHONEST, most slash ALL of the patrons look like her. (Except you. And me.) Step 3- POPPY, MOM LIKES COMING HERE FOR HER VARIOUS CHEESES AND REDUCED FAT GUAC AND LOW LOW WINE PRICES SO SHUT UP AND ACT NATURAL. It was so random and so bad and I'm so glad only 2 to 4 people heard. #poppy4prez
Actual photo of me working with Poppy
HIGH: We had a great Thanksgiving day! We started the day by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. It was delightful and the only thing I remember was this man:
Step aside Joel, there's a new sheriff in town.
LunchMoney Lewis. I literally can't even. He (lip synced) this amazing song called Mama. Please go listen to it and try not to cry about your own mom or being a mom (yes the man in the turkey leg hat WILL make you cry). The lyrics to his songs are so cute and funny! There was something in there like, "a couple times when I was bad, she hauled off and whooped my ass. But I'm still her biggest fan, because she made me who I am." PURE POETRY.
After I stalked the shiz out of LunchMoney Lewis we left for our Thanksgiving celebration at Joel's parents' house. It's always a blast with all of us being together!
LOW: I've been fighting (and losing) against a head cold all week. Nothing crazy just some SERIOUS post nasal drip and I sound like Fran Drescher. The only thing getting me through has been my Kleenex Cool Touch tissues. These tissues are amazingggggg. As one Amazon review put it, "It's that cool side of the pillow sensation that you seek out when you toss and turn. It's that tingling cool comfort that you feel on your legs and feet from your sheets when you first get into bed. Unlike your pillows and sheets, however, the cooling sensation on these tissues don't fade." Yes that's a real review, and yes I look up tissue reviews. #thisis30
HIGH: Today, my sister had an Epic Brunch at her house to kick off Advent. She is an amazing hostess and is more legit than me because she actually MAKES food when people come over! Check out my snapchat (charchar43211) for a mini tour of her house. You won't be disappointed! One of the reasons her events are so legit is because she recently acquired the book Drinking With The Saints.
Look at these peeps drinking Saintly things...
It's Bartender's Guide meets Lives of the Saints. It has drinks for every day of the liturgical year that has a saint's feast day! It's fun to learn about saints while enjoying a cocktail. I highly recommend the book as a gift to your (Catholic) friend or to have in rotation for yourself! it's hilarious but historical. And according to the website the author is coming out with a sequel called Drinking With Your Patron Saint! Huzzah!
Hope you had a nice holiday week! Check back on Wednesday for another Gift Guide!