Take 5 Friday
Take 5 and hear about the 5 things I'm loving this week!
1. Origins Clear Improvement Mask. Honestly, I'm pretty slow to the party when it comes to masks. Very slow. About 15 years behind, slow. I've always used a cleanser with microbeads in it so I didn't really feel like a mask was necessary. BOY WAS I WRONG. This mask (and a few others I'll talk about another time) are legit. I was inspired to buy it after I saw appx. 3948390382298 bloggers put up mask pictures on Instagram. They looked so cute and happy and all gIRlS NiTeEeEeEe in the pics so I was like, "OK I WANT THAT."
Drink it alllll in, people. You can't unsee this.
What do you think? Do you think I achieved the GiRlS NiTe vibe??? No. No, I didn't. Do you know how many filters I tried to put on this to soften the blow for you guys? But nothing was working so, LET GO AND LET GOD. I'll admit I was having a hard time smiling because the mask had dried. BUT, NOEXCUSESPLAYLIKEACHAMPION. I may not look cute but my skin was feeling pretty darn nice after I took the mask off. Head to Sephora and #treatyoself. Editor's Note: #treatyoself was a serious contender for the title of the blog. The mask prices range from $4-$26 depending on the size of the bottle.
I put the Margaux pillow over a pillow with a pattern which is why it looks weird. It won't in real life!
2. Jennifer Anne Pillowcases. I've been a big fan of Jennifer Anne for awhile. I follow her on da 'gram and we have blankets, pants and hats from her. But recently her personalized pillowcases were on sale and I snagged one for each of my ladiez. I'm obsessed! They're so cute and unique looking-- but at a great price point of $24! You can chose a few different font styles and colors. They would make a great Christmas gift (which is what I'm doing!), or new baby gift. The fact they're 20X20 in. means they'll make a nice statement in any kids room. There's currently a 20 day turnaround so order now! Also sign up for her emails because I'm thinking she will do a Black Friday sale.
3. Our family pumpkin. If you follow me on IG (anditwillbelovely) you may have seen the amazing personalized pumpkin our friend Adrienne gifted us. I saw it I was so touched! And I think it blew everyone in my family's mind. We were all so happy with how she captured us in simple (ly cute!) stick figures! JOEL- Golf clubs, a baseball hat and happy go lucky smile. CHECK. CHAR- Giant sunglasses, wine and a Homegoods bag. I MEAN HONESTLY!?!? CHECK. CHECK. CHECK. Even Renard, he has a freaking dead mouse and no tail! It truly is art imitating life. When I decided to change my decor into more HARVEST less HALLOWEEN I asked her to make us another stick family, this time on a white pumpkin. LOVE! (Maybe if we give her enough snaps she will open an Etsy shop and make us all happy. AMEN.)
4. Harris Teeter Parm Cheese Straws. Have you ever tried crack? OK cool, me either. But I imagine this is what crack would taste like. Cheesy, crunchy, parmesany goodness. My friend had these at her ladiesss night last week and I AM NOW HOOKED. I seriously thought I knew ever player in the snack food game, too. Wrong. I made her get out the box to SHOW ME what they looked like (probably the best decision I've made in 2016). Anyway, the bottom line is you get yourself over to The Teet and get these. (Located in the cracker aisle.) Put them in a little bowl and enjoy with a crisp glass of wine (with a cocktail napkin of course). Doctor's orders.
5. Our gratitude tree. A few days ago we made a gratitude tree as a preparation for Thanksgiving. I had seen it in the $3 aisle of Target and I thought it looked like the perfect "KIDS WE ARE DOING A CRAFT. BUT NOT A REALLLLL CRAFT", craft. You know? I assigned each family member who can talk (sorry Margaux!) a leaf color and they got to write 5 things they were thankful for. Then we hung them on the tree and hung little ornaments on the branches. It's actually very cute and I love it. But the process by which it happened was a little unsavory. I always have big visions of how lovely and family oriented and perfect craft time will be. But it usually ends up with 1. someone in tears 2. wine being cracked obscenely early 3. a mess. I suppose I didn't set the right "family friendly" tone by being like, "GIRLS, COME HERE WE ARE MAKING A GRATITUDE TREE, DAMNIT!!" [direct quote]. And then I found myself shutting down what they're grateful for. Poppy's #1 thing she's grateful for: Reese's. And I'm like, "Poppy you cant be grateful for Reese's." But in my head I'm like "That's my girl!!" Poppy is grateful for 1. Reese's 2. Juice & Soda 3. Cake 4. Kitty (her stuffed animal) and bringing up the rear 5. Mom. The rest of us had very standard answers. Anyway, I love the tree because it's cute and I will look at it fondly as I block out the fact it was made under duress.
These are my Take 5 things I love this week! What are you loving? Do you love something I should love? How many times can I say love? Leave a comment and tell me!